It’s been raining *all* week. (And I’m not being dramatic.) There wasn’t anything to do in the garden besides walk around and hope that the new plumeria cuttings (which were supposed to dry out completely after being planted!) can pull through this soggy, dreary weather. Some of the plants seem to enjoy the rain, but it’s hard to ignore the fact that the plants that don’t usually make it through the summer are starting to fade, and fast.
I planted a few seeds right before the “Week of Epic Rain” started, and I’m considering them lost. I’m just going to wait until we have another round of “partly sunny” days to try again. I really can’t wait until the sun comes out again and I can get back there and do a little clean up and see what’s what.
In the meantime, I thought I’d share a few more photos from our day trip to Disney for the Epcot Flower and Garden Festival.
The thing I loved most was the little butterfly garden. It wasn’t epic or anything, and it was super-crowded, but there were a lot of very active butterflies, and a lot of varieties I’ve never seen before. There were lots of *very* cool moss and twig butterfly houses tucked down in the bushes, and the Disney fairy characters were built out of moss and flowers throughout the garden.
Tom and I spent about 45 minutes in the little enclosure. We were waiting for my parents & Gracie to come back from a ride and it was one of my favorite parts of the day.
These are very poor images taken on the fly with my iPhone (very hard to get decent shots with so many people around) but I managed to get a few photos to remember the day by: